Spooks Forum
helloooooo! - Printable Version

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helloooooo! - lucy_lu - 15-12-2010 01:30 PM

hey everyone!

I'm Lucy, I'm 23 and from Australia. I am OBSESSED with Spooks (there's no other way to put it...but I guess I'm in the right place!). My parents got me onto it right from the beginning and even though we're a season behind over here, I've caught up religiously online. Ros is probably my favourite character, but I also adore Harry and Adam. And Ruth. and Malcolm. oh I love everyone really! even the traitors. I am re-watching from the beginning again at the moment and never get bored no matter how many times I see it. Guess that's the mark of a good show. I love Spooks quotes. Harry has had some amazing one-liners. And Malcolm. eeeeeee can you tell I'm hyper talking about Spooks?! haha looking forward to getting to know everyone Smile

RE: helloooooo! - tyme4t - 15-12-2010 01:39 PM

Welcome to SF! I totally agree that I never get bored re-watching eps!

RE: helloooooo! - Beatriz - 15-12-2010 01:41 PM

Welcome to the forum, lucy_lu!! I think you're in the right place Wink

RE: helloooooo! - HellsBells - 15-12-2010 02:38 PM

Hello lucy-lu, this is definitely a good place to discuss everything Spooks.

RE: helloooooo! - lucy_lu - 15-12-2010 03:15 PM

thanks for the welcome party guys Smile can't believe I've only just discovered this forum! good times ahead! have already infiltrated the HN/Ros and favourite quotes threads Blush

RE: helloooooo! - Silktie - 15-12-2010 03:43 PM

Hello, and welcome to the thread. We're in the middle of a rewatch on the forum, we're up to episode 5.5, and will continue after the holidays. Jump right in!

RE: helloooooo! - lwhite53 - 15-12-2010 04:39 PM

Hi lucy_lu and welcome.

RE: helloooooo! - Tea Lady - 15-12-2010 04:54 PM

Welcome to the SF. Smile

RE: helloooooo! - A Cousin - 21-12-2010 02:51 PM

You are in good company, lucy_lu. Welcome!

RE: helloooooo! - Belle - 21-12-2010 03:04 PM

Hi and very welcome, lucy_lu! Hope you will have a great time here! Smile