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NEW Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy Film - Printable Version

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NEW Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy Film - FATBOY - 20-09-2011 09:11 PM

Having seen the film last week, I thought it would be interesting to start a thread on it.

There was an interesting interview with John Le Carre on the R4 Today programme


Inevitably there is the comparison with the 70's TV series.

RE: NEW Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy Film - Nitrus - 20-09-2011 10:56 PM

1. Why would this be in the General Discussion section of the Spooks discussion section? It has nothing to do with Spooks.

2. There is already a thread in the appropriate section for this: http://www.spooksforum.co.uk/thread-1796.html

Please have a look around before creating duplicate threads.