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RE: Episode 6 Discussion - femaleBertieWooster - 05-12-2009 07:38 PM

On second thought, I think the problem with the Lucas story is that O'Reilly is not a very good actress. We can't see that Sarah loves him, and therefore his willingness to takes such serious risks, because the actress has never had the so-called look-of-love on her face.

I thought Lucas was acting when he first kissed her because she had never even given a sign that she could care. Except for the words she utters mangles, we still can't fathom how Lucas could love someone while getting zip in return. From the beginning, the kiss, he has looked at her with tenderness, openness and warmth. There has never been a glimmer of it on her face.

RA is essentially working with dead space and that is letting him, and us, down.

Apology to her one fan here. (It could be that the concentration on the accent has left no energy for anything else. I hated Christine 1.0 also and thought the actress was not-so-hot until I saw her in something else.)

RE: Episode 6 Discussion - Harry love! - 05-12-2009 08:20 PM

I really loved this episode I think it might be my favorite of this season so far and I agrre with what has been said before one of the main reasons is probably that the team is really operating as a team again, because I really missed that this series. And there were also some great lines again Smile I especially loved that Harry and HS scenes althoug I'm soooo sad about the HS leaving I hod no idea I had grown that attached to him. Also loved to see some Harry and Ros scenes again I loved the Harry/Ros relationship in series 7 and kind of missed those scenes in this series

RE: Episode 6 Discussion - JHyde - 05-12-2009 08:22 PM

Really? I think there's been quite a lot of Harry/Ros, especially in the last episode. I must admit I like that dynamic too, we've been discussing it quie a lot over on the Harry thread in character/actor section. Methinks I'll be seeing you there Smile

RE: Episode 6 Discussion - Harry love! - 05-12-2009 08:29 PM

I guess there have been some scenes in eps 1-5 (Harry asking her if she was OK in ep 5 etc) but I kind of felt like they had lost the banter they had in series 7 and in this episode it felt the same again. Maybe because they went out in the field together I don't know or maybe it's just a feeling I have that is not based on anything

RE: Episode 6 Discussion - age1021 - 05-12-2009 08:31 PM

Okay so after having watched this epidsode:
1. I like Tariq more and more. HE seems to be getting on with the group.
2. I loved how Ros was talking to the banker when she had him tied up. Funny in a psychopathic kind of way. Undecided
3. AS for Lucas, well I don't think Lucas is as dumb as people think. I don't think he wanted her really to "Take him with her", but I saw it as more of a plea for his life. REgardless of her bad acting, she had feelings for him and he knows that so he was playing off that to save his own life. I mean running off with her wouldn't make sense.....Am I making sense?


RE: Episode 6 Discussion - Maggie - 05-12-2009 08:37 PM

Did I hear Sarah C. say "I yet don't know?" Is that Shakespearean? Can I use this to impress my editor?

RE: Episode 6 Discussion - lwhite53 - 06-12-2009 01:21 AM

(05-12-2009 04:55 PM)JHyde Wrote:  Seriously, those pink lips are starting to freak me out. They look like dolls' lips. (If you don't know what I mean, I posted earlier that the photography is different this season. Everyone suddenly has very, VERY pink lips.)

OK, JHyde, I went back and watched again, concentrating on the lips (not in a kinky way, thoughTongue). You're right -- there are places throughout the ep where several of the women particularly have really pink lips, specifically Baisley's ex, Ros and Sarah. And you can actually tell when new make-up was applied because it's not consistent within scenes. Also, the lighting is different in the ep -- not as dark as previously, so the lip gloss (or whatever it is) stands out even more. Very weird once you start paying attention.

Caught another glaring continuity error this time through. In the scene where Tariq texts Baisley, he types "Answer this if you want to live." The screen shot of Baisley's phone reads "Answer this if you want to LIVE." Then we go back to the grid and see his text again with "live" in lower case letters. Oops!Confused

I've decided Tariq is a keeper -- he was really awesome in this ep (sorry Malcolm). T did a great job in the conference room scene (Harry looking on like a proud papa, lol) and was in total command running the op from the surveillance van during the scene with Lucas in Perrot's office. However, it's still like he sprang whole from Zeus's head. If we don't get some info about him soon, I may start believing that.Wink

Also noticed that when Ruth tells Harry that Ros hasn't been in touch and they don't know where she is, H doesn't seem at all concerned leading me to surmise that H sent R to rough up Perrot. Ah well, "needs must" as H is fond of saying.Smile
(05-12-2009 09:46 AM)almh Wrote:  I also loved how Ruth was sitting there smiling as she had to simplify Tariq's geek speak into normal language for the others. It was nice to see more of Tariq, actually.

Because Ruth was the only other person in the room who had any idea what in the world he was talking about!Smile Is there anything this woman doesn't know?Wink

RE: Episode 6 Discussion - JHyde - 06-12-2009 02:46 AM

Tariq actually reminds me a bit of Danny, the same bravado and charm.

PF also has very pink lips this season. I think it's combination of whatever they're using in makeup and the photography.

RE: Episode 6 Discussion - Maggie - 06-12-2009 05:55 AM

Did I hear Sarah C. say "I yet don't know?" Is that Shakespearean? Can I use this to impress my editor?

Friends of mine said Sarah C said it right. I apologize.

Yes, previous episodes came out dark in my monitor. I have to adjust my monitor back to normal and i don't know how to do it. Friends said lighting in ep 6 is better. From my monitor, people's eyes were bluer; everybody had the same shade of lipstick; Sarah C looked younger/softer/good.

Can't fathom writers' agenda on Lucas. Tom or Adam would not put up with Sarah the way Lucas does. I mean a huge MI5 agent like Lucas can't be made to look like a lovesick puppy. Might as well have H Grant play Lucas and things will be in sync.

2B could bankrupt UK. I don't think so. Or maybe my hearing is really bad.

On the other hand, kudos to writers on relevance of next 2 eps. with India and Pakistan presently taking centre stage in internat'l politics.

RE: Episode 6 Discussion - almh - 06-12-2009 10:25 AM

Tariq definitely was awesome in this episode Big Grin

And I really don't think that there's anything Ruth doesn't know...